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Cornici Grezze By FotoSprint di A. Veralli

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  1. Silver Leaf (6)
  2. Gold Leaf (20)
  3. Rough (3)
  4. Paint Sample (20)
  5. Paint Bright White (5)
  6. Opaque White Paint (3)
  7. Matte Black Paint (3)
  1. Wood Tiglio (46)
  2. Wood Mogano (13)
  3. Wood Paste/Wood (1)
  1. 50x70 (10)
  2. 60x80 (13)
  3. 70x90 (1)
  4. 70x100 (6)
Fascia di Prezzo
  1. 201 - 250 (1)
  2. 251 - 350 (9)
  3. 351 - 450 (8)
  4. 451 - 550 (13)
  5. 551 - 650 (10)
  6. 651 - 750 (10)
  7. 751 - 850 (9)

Cornici su Misura

Compra il materiale per creare la tua cornice personalizzata su misura

Mirrors bathroom furniture

Mirrors as Bathroom Furniture

Decorate your home with our amazing products!

Mirrors are, without a doubt, an integral part of every house's furnishing, regardless of whether you view them simply as practical elements to hang in bathrooms and bedroom or whether you consider them a form of decoration to be hung even in living rooms, halls, or foyers just like you would do with a picture or a painting.

And we at Cornici Grezze know that well. That is why we implement a continuous search for innovative and modern design that can be mixed to the classic shape of a mirror frame and bring to you the best mirrors as bathroom furniture possible. What we aim to do, in fact, is to provide you with a practical piece of furniture that can, at the same time, be a statement piece in your bathroom, decorating as well as furnishing it.

Our mirrors as bathroom furniture can easily be considered ornamental objects as all pour creations are hand-carved by skilled artisans to bring to you a quality piece that can enrich your house and suit your needs at the same time, making a home out of a house.

Browse the selection provided or use the filters to see the results more relevant to you, and find the perfect mirror to furnish your bathroom.

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