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Cornici Grezze By FotoSprint di A. Veralli

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prodotti per

  1. Rough (8)
  1. Wood Tiglio (6)
  2. Wood Mogano (2)
  1. 50x70 (2)
  2. 60x80 (2)
  3. 70x100 (1)
Fascia di Prezzo
  1. 51 - 100 (1)
  2. 201 - 250 (1)
  3. 251 - 350 (2)
  4. 351 - 450 (3)
  5. 451 - 550 (1)

Cornici su Misura

Compra il materiale per creare la tua cornice personalizzata su misura

Frames hand-carved unfinished

Frames hand-carved unfinished


Handmade unfinished wood frames

Cut, paste, and paint: have fun with our unfinished products!

We all know that buying furnishings and decorations for our house is extremely fun, but what is more fun than making something for it yourself? The recent surge in DIY-related products shows that this is a rising trend on the current market, and we at Cornici Grezze know that very well.

And it is with this in mind that we have created a line of unfinished wood frames, specifically designed for those customers who love to make the furnishings and decorations for their home more special and personal. Our unfinished wood frames come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from round to rectangular. The more simple styles are perfect for a house sporting a minimalist décor or for those that have just entered the world of DIY while more complex, Baroque pieces are better suited to elegant houses and people who know their way around a paintbrush.

Whatever you choose, our hand-carved frames are perfectly sculpted and polished, just waiting to be finished by your hands according to your taste and needs. So let your creativity loose and immerse yourself in a world of colour and decorations to create a simply unique piece for your home.

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