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Cornici Grezze By FotoSprint di A. Veralli

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Cornici su Misura

Compra il materiale per creare la tua cornice personalizzata su misura

About Us

Our laboratory frames

Our company has two stores and a laboratory of Photo Optical frames that serves both.
We wish to clarify our twenty years of experience in the photographic industry, after many requests from customers we decided to enter the world of customized frames. Over the years our stock has grown and beyond to serve our stores we decided to make him one of the services, ie one online.

The site offers a wide range of frames and mirrors in stock and ready realizes all the changes that you might need.

We have hand-carved wooden mirror frames, mirrors in pulp and moldings for frames.

We offer you the opportunity to purchase raw or finished products, in addition to the frames we have a lot of furniture in the catalog as: Dressers, Cabinets, Chairs, Armchairs, etc..

Our lab builds wooden any your idea, send us a drawing or photograph and we will calculate the estimate without obligation...

Our finishes are made by expert hands, we have gilders and lacquers; perform gilding according tradizone Italian with silver / gold leaf or true imitation.

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